Stone Temple Pilots 25th Anniversary Re-release of Their First Album "Core"
In 1992 I received a music compilation CD from Silvio Bonvini at Atlantic Records containing all of their new bands who were going to be playing during the upcoming CMJ music festival in NYC. I immediately pegged this new band with two of the guys from New Jersey as a group to be reckoned with and managed to set up a 10 minute photo session with them before their gig at The Bank, Houston St on the Lower East Side. There amongst the old vaults in the basement (the club actually was a bank in a former life) I made the most of my 10 minutes with this band that had an aura of electricity around them that would later explode on stage and across the world.
25 years later, as I'm sitting in my studio working on a project, I get a phone call from Kate Dear at Rhino Records in LA. It seems that the time had come for STP to re-release a remastered version of their now classic debut album "Core" and the band was rifling through boxes and boxes of old photos, artwork and tour memorabilia when they came across photos from my original session with them at The Bank. With nothing but a name stamped on the cardboard edge of a Kodak 35mm slide, Kate searched around (thank you Google) and found me. It was like a time machine had called me up on the phone from 1992 and said "We'd like to use your photos for the new CD packaging."
And just like that, I was back in the basement of that same NYC club, pulling my hair into a ponytail, checking the batteries in my camera, stretching the extension cord from my portable studio lights to the closest wall outlet, hoping I wouldn't get stopped by someone in the electrical union, and photographing a band who would go on to amazing successes and unfortunately devastating losses. I'd like to photograph them again one day, and maybe talk about what 10 minutes can do to someone's life, just some Jersey guys who've come a long way.