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I would like to thank all those who made my photographic career possible.
The Ortley Beach Crew for being my first subjects on the skate board and in the surf.
Professor Robert M. LaTorre, Michael Brown and Paul Turnbull for teaching and pointing the way.
Jack and George Baluski for giving me a shot.
Jeff Silverman for showing me how to run a business and like it.
Mark Weiss for teaching me how to make my photos rock in the music industry.
Lou Schwartz, Liam Schatten and Norm Hecht for teaching me how to work in NYC.
Mom and Dad, who maybe didn't understand at first but taught me how to do right.
My sisters Noreen, Ellen, Joan and Mary Ann, who did understand, and my brother Christopher.
Michaela Zanzani for being my punkin.
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All images ©AOB Studio/Andrew O'Beirne Photographer